Incrementing a variable in circular tables

In linear tables it is possible to auto-increment the text of a variable.

How to do in circular tables?

I would like to increment by 5

I don’t see an automated way of doing this in the circular array tool. You may need to manually adjust these values in the Offset field of Text properties.

Maybe an idea for the next version :wink:

Does the ‘Auto Increment’ button in the Circular Array tool not work for you?



Hello, yes for sure it works, but I want an incrementation by 5. It don’t take consideration on the set up in variable text.

That ‘advance by’ value is how many entries to advance your entire project after you run a file. (So if your file had 10 serial numbers on it, from 00 to 09, and you advanced by 10, the next run would go from 10 to 19, then 20 to 29, and so on).

You didn’t mention in your original question that you wanted to increment by something other than 1 - we don’t have that in Circular Array, but it would be simple enough to add.


Yep it would be nice to have it, as in the linear array.
I thought that the advance by was the incrementation step, not clear/
Thanks for your attention !

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