I have my laser screen selected but supplier requested info for selecting eyeware.
Beam Diam at 10cm from output or focus?
Beam Diam before focusing?
Beam Diam at output & corresponding divergence?
I put in a request to the manufacturer for the above info, but having already asked and received technical info for 20w(output) blue diode & IR1064 2w(output).
I have asked on the snapmaker (Ray) forum but no reply yet and also searched related topics, all ouite dated and nor specific to my modules, though good for safety and caution type info.
I saw that some laserists were able to do some math and had ways to figure thesethings out…but no detailed info.
IR1064nm 2w(output)
Diam at 10cm (untested)
Focal length 26+/-1mm.
Wavelength 1064nm.
Focus spot 20-30um(0.03mm).
Outut P 2w.
Peak power 15,000w.
Pulse width 4.5-5.5ns, Freq20-30khz.
20w diode module.
Beam Diam at 10cm (never tested).
Focal length (fixed focus).
Focus at ‘0’ scale position (focus bar) 0-5mm.
Wavelength 450nm.
Beam spot Diam at focus 0.1mm.
Output power (n)20w, CW.
Recommend by laser manufacturer, goggles 180-540nm, OD6+ & 900nm-1700nm, OD4+.
Does anyone know how I can work out the info the supplier has requested & Wouls the recommendation from manufacturer be ok for me to select from the suppliers range…I’m also hoping to buy eyeware for duel purpose use with both modules if possible.
“Opinions will not be thought of or taken as advice or guidance”!!
Don’t know what this means, maybe you can clarify?
Suspicious about this… My F100mm for my fiber has a spot size of about 16 microns (0.016mm) and a depth of focus (dof) of only 0.70mm. If your lens is actually an F26mm, it doesn’t make sense as your spot should be larger along with the dof.
As far as goggles go, I’ve (and millions of other users) have used the supplied goggles with no issues. Never heard of anyone that’s had an eye injury from one of these.
Sorry for the incomplete sentence, I should have put “Diam at 10cm from output lense”.
The focal length 26+/-1mm is I guess the distance from diode to lense and as the SM Ray 20w has a long depth of focus, a member here said a few months back while discussing work done, focus range on the bar is in the area of 0-5mm.
If I’m remembering correctly FL is usable area of beam length at it’s narrowest (at its waist +/-), and divergence is spread as traveling + stray beams.
I did not receive any glasses with the machine but I probably did not tick the box for them anyway. I read so much info on safety I opted to contact a specialist for screens and eyeware.
I have had a reply from the manufacturer who states they have no data concerning the information request and read quite a few posts on their “previously” doubtable safety screens and eyeware. This situation seems to have improved in terms of what they have for sale but I read nothing that would fill a newbie with confidence.
I have however submitted a request for further info on their current offering.
I have also contacted the screen material supplier informing them that I will purchase the screen material so I can finish the build & continue the investigation concerning eyeware.
Having said that, I hear what you say about eyeware in general and I would put money down that your right…but I have a habit of finding out the hard way, being no stranger to danger