Instalacion LB 1.5.01

Hello, yesterday I installed LB 1.5.01 and I’m having a problem. Can I uninstall and reinstall it?

Yes, or tell us what the problem is. We might be able to help.

Hello, let’s see if I explain it well since I am not an expert.
In version LB v1.3.01 I do the job perfectly, I create a 10x10 mm square (1) and from there I create a matrix (Y) of 10 columns and another matrix (Y) of 10 rows (2), both the matrix like the Y I can work with them by row, by column or rows and columns at the same time (3).
The problem is that with LB v1.5.02 I can only work with all the rows and columns at the same time, it doesn’t let me select a column or a row.(4)
I am attaching screenshots.

LB 1.3.01 is quite a few versions back. Is it possible you missed a step?

It sounds like you are trying to create an array, then another on top of it. I do not think this is what you want. It appears what you do want is to be able to select individual rows or columns. This can easily be done in 1.5.02 Lightburn.

Click on the array where it selects all.
Cluck on Ungroup. This is the possible missed step.
Now you can click individual squares, rows columns or random selections and Group them as needed.

Mike, thank you very much for your help.
Problem solved :wink:

Be sure to mark the solution as Solved so others can benefit from it.

Glad you are back in business!

Hola, fijate que al hacer la matriz tienes una opcion debajo en el cuadro de dialogo, que te indica si deseas agrupar los resultados, puedes desactivarla y ahi tendras la misma funcionalidad como en las versiones viejas, adjunto captura.


Hello, notice that when creating the matrix you have an option below in the dialog box, which tells you if you want to group the results, you can deactivate it and there you will have the same functionality as in the old versions, I attached a screenshot. Greetings!

Muchas gracias, sigo aprendiendo

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