Intentional Underpowering

PPI feels like a dated / old approach in a time before better control systems and software were available and when the cost of a 150w tube was insane. Consider the reliability of your components (such as the laser PSU) and the effect that pulsing a glass tube may have on its useful life. PPI is really geared toward extracting more power from a laser with fast switching of the laser PSU @ 5v (full power).

What is observed in the intensity spectra when a laser is switched on is a rapid rise to a very high power level (nearly double the set value) followed by an exponential decay to a set value.

Here is more info / detail about PPI.

Something else to consider that may work better for you is adding a diode to your machine (as a second laser) if your goal is:

Your ruida controller supports two lasers. And a diode is king for detail. Just look at the finished creations by @Bulldog e.g.,