Interesting conversation with Wazer abut DXF import problem using Lightburn

This is a reply from Wazer due to exported lB files not being able to import in Waves software …
If you are having trouble with exported DXF files it might be due to an older version of DXF that LB uses…

Thanks for sharing the additional feedback. While looking into this issue further, we downloaded LightBurn ourselves to walk through the DXF export process. Unfortunately LB leaves little to no options in changing the DXF export settings. This is what we discovered:

  • The AutoCAD version of the DXF file is AC1009.
    • AC1009 was released in October of 1990 and was updated to AC1012 in November of 1994.

This version of DXF is incompatible with the WAM software as it does not contain enough information in the file. This is also evident in the size of the file:

  • AC1009 file size is 1KB.
  • AC1027 file size is 97KB.

To resolve this issue, the DXF file version will need to be updated to a version from 2013 or newer. We were unable to find at a quick glance through the software of some online forum posts on why such an old file version is used with lightburn or how to change it.

We were able to correct the file version in a software we use called QCAD. Simply exporting the DXF as R27 allowed us to import it into WAM with no issue.

That is kind of odd for Wazer, because their DXF import should work with LB DXF. Lightburn can import newer format DXF, but they export older format DXF, because some CAD/CAM software that imports DXF only works with the older DXF format. LB is creating backward compatible DXF files. Wazer should support them.

Wazer software can also import a SVG file. LB exports metric SVG, so if you set your Wazer import to mm and import the LB SVG file, it imports at the correct size and orientation.

@Rick @JohnJohn @LightBurn
Might be an interesting read/comment?

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There is some interest in the Wazer.
I have reported the unanticipated DXF version requirement to the Dev team.


Strange, as I’ve tested LightBurn’s DXF output with AutoCAD, and that works. Did they give any specifics on what information is missing? I’m guessing that most of that 96Kb of additional “information” is just junk and defaults that get carried along.

I used a reference document for DXF 2012 to implement our file importer and exporter, but there’s nothing in that document that specifies which content is necessary to create a file - it appears to be intended only for people reading them.

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I had a look at the Wazer program which is web-based, and it looks like their DXF parser tries to pull the colour “by layer” from a layer table even though the colour is present at the graphical entity itself.


ChrisAnd1998/Lightburn-config-for-Wazer-waterjet: This repository contains configuration files for LightBurn to get the WAZER waterjet working on LightBurn.
](GitHub - ChrisAnd1998/Lightburn-config-for-Wazer-waterjet: This repository contains configuration files for LightBurn to get the WAZER waterjet working on LightBurn.)

This topic was found in the Wazer forum.

I did find this interesting and as soon as my warranty is up I will be using Lightburn to control the wazer.

Thank you for taking an interest in this. a team of Wazer and lightburn could have endless possibilities…

Greg Brown

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