'Interesting' offset fill behaviour!

I’ve just come across some interesting offset fill behaviour that looks very much like a bug. It performs all except one of the passes correctly, however on one of the passes it chooses to break it into lots of segments with parts missing. It also does these rather erratically with a lot of traversal moves between segments. I’ve attached a screenshot of the preview window which shows it as well as a cut-down version of my original file for testing purposes.

I’m on LB 1.0.01 and Win10, if there’s anything else you need just let me know.

Offset Fill Bug.lbrn2 (37.7 KB)

Thanks, it also works if I change the width between the two profiles to 1.1mm or decrease the line interval to 0.067mm. I’m guessing it’s due to two of the generated contours coinciding (almost). So the trick seems to be to make sure you set the interval accordingly to prevent this.

Thanks again.

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