Is it possible to just cut/engrave part of a project?

If I have a matrix of the same thing, repeated in X and Y, I would be able to fit them all onto the remaining wood/acrylic, except that the layout is too tall / too wide.

If I could specify this section, then that section I could fit them onto the remaining wood (for example) but a single pass layout wouldn’t fit the geometry of the wood I have.

It’s easy to do, if the design is simple (just select the parts you don’t want, set to a non-cut layer, and you’re done). If you’ve got 5 or 6 layers already in each node in the matrix of things though, it’s a bit more of a pain…




Well done that man :slight_smile:

I like hiding features in plain sight, where no one will ever find them. :smiley:


blush Oh well…

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