Is RDC644XG-A compatible with lightburn software?

We have recently purchased on Amazon a brand machine OrangeA 60W Laser Engraving Machine Cutting with Color Screen 700 * 500 mm. According to the manual it has the RDC644XG-A controller and we wanted to know if it is compatible with lightburn.

On the other hand, could we use the program’s trial period to check it?

Greetings and thank you

yes and yes, at least I guess so not sure about the -A which I have not seen before

I do not know if this is completely accurate, but from what I have been able to tell, -A appears within the user manuals pictured on all of the controllers within a common platform control, hardware edition, hardware sub-edition, and number of axles of control. It perhaps represents “All” as several variations of models exist dependent on firmware / HMI.

When you see RDC644XG, you may be able to interpret the X as a variable indicating the actual controller supports any of the compatible HMIs designed for it (while when that X is replaced with a number, the package of the controller and the HMI type has been specified). And the G means “Conventional Edition”.

For example, the RDC6445G:

and having an HMI dimension of the following and appearing as:

Alternatively, the RDC6445GZ (note the Z at the end) will have the exact same underlying actual controller appearing as an RDC644XG-A but the Z in this package indicates the HMI panel shape is different:



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Well in that case it should work.

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