Is the controller's "Max Power" still required to be reflected in the layer settings?

OK, say you set up a Ruida that “Max Power” is 80%.

When you are in a Lightburn project and want to cut as fast as possible, do you specify Max Power at 100% in the Layer settings and under the hood scales it so that’s an 80% PWM as “Max”, or do you have to specify 80% in the Layer? Because if you entered 100%, it would just clip that and on the Ruida terminal you get an 80% PWM?

Your upper limit is set in the Ruida. Setting it to 80% will give you 80% with the layer set to 100% Max, and 40% power if layer is set to 50% Max… Percentage of 80, so to speak…

Make sense?


Yep, OK, got it!

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