I am learning to work from the Controller rather than Lightburn. I currently have a Library for all my Lightburn files.
RD files can be saved directly to your controller, and managed using the File List window in LightBurn.
Ruida controllers have been known to act up if they have too many files stored in their memory, so it’s a good idea to clear files off the controller every so often.
As long as your LightBurn files are saved, it will always be possible to save them or send them to your machine as RD files, so there is no real need to save and store them separately on your computer.
OK, thanks so much. I have only just started working from my controller. I didn’t realize there were so many files stored in its Memory, but have deleted them all. They were on the controller before it caught on fire. So no problem there. I only have about six files in memory as we speak. BUT when selected a new file and clicking on Frame, the head would not move. I would rename file Junk and that would work until I loaded a new file. Most of my files had names with hyphens or spaces. I think Rudia is trying to make me think like it! That is going to be one long process.
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