I have a design that I did in Fusion 360 and exported with Shaper Utilities - https://apps.autodesk.com/FUSION/en/Detail/Index?id=3662665235866169729&appLang=en&os=Win64. The SVG looks correct in Inkscape, but when imported into Lightburn (0.9.11), the large center circle isn’t rendered correctly. I tried re-saving the file from Inkscape, but the issue still occurs. Any clue as to what’s going on? I’ve attached images of what I’m seeing in Inkscape and Lightburn. The SVG file is here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CHgbWtCu9gx2BMzQu3dHqbNrEk_U06Ne/view?usp=sharing.
I’ll have to have a look at the import. It’s exporting these as paths with relative arcs, instead of just circles, which is a bit weird, but they should still work properly.
Arcade controller layout? I would be interested in the file once you have it finished
I was able to work around it by projecting the face I wanted to cut onto a new sketch, then exporting that sketch as a DXF. Being able to use the exported SVG files would be very handy though. Thanks for creating Lightburn and all the work you’ve put in to it. Bought it last year and looking forward to see what else you do with it! By the way… If you add a nesting feature / auto-layout feature, I’ll gladly buy it again
@forkineye very interesting project you are working on.
Is that something for an arcade cabinet or is that for a game system expansion controller?
Very nice design and layout.
PS I too am looking forward to the nesting feature
It’s going to be a RetroPie setup with controls, power, and the Pie all in one enclosure. Just hookup HDMI and power to it. I plan on building a cabinet someday to drop it into that has speakers and monitors, but as is, you can just hook it up to your TV and play. Here’s a mock-up done in dollar tree foam with the oblong cut that created this thread. I cut the top from the back doing a vector engrave on the back to mark routing / drill locations.
That is awesome. Did you design it or did you buy the files to make it.
If you designed it you should definitely consider selling this because it’s awesome.
I would love to make one for my boy.
I designed it. I may just end making some kits to sell as well, time for the laser to start making some money, lol. Working on an acrylic overlay for the top now.
Here is a supplier I posted recently that sells colored acrylic you might benefit from
Has this issue been resolved? I am having the same problem.
Which problem, exactly? And with which version of LightBurn? The problem posted here has been fixed for a very long time.
Thank you a lot. I even not realize that I missed some settings. Now it looks like it works as expected.