Issue With JPT 50W Fibre Laser not cutting

I have a new 50W Fibre Laser which seemed to be working fine. After no use for a couple of weeks, I started a project and the laser fired as expected on the first run. On the second, nothing. The software shows the laser is ‘busy’ with the green bar, but nothing happens.

I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling the software. Switching off and on repeatedly and now I’m at a loss.

I started a new project and once again, it fired on the first go. I stopped the job and tried to restart, nothing… Same as before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m certainly no expert.


Welcome to the site, sorry to hear you’re having issues with your fiber.

When it fails to work, are the galvos moving? … usually if you listen you can hear them, like when you’re framing something.

Many of these have a way to tell how much of the beam is being reflected back into the fiber, so it can shut it down on most sources.

There is no errors generated anywhere for anything that I am aware of.

If this is a new machine, I’d contact the vendor.


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