Issues with 1.7 and Xtool D1 Pro

I’ve been running 1.6 version of Lightburn with no issues for a year. I upgraded to 1.7 which now has native support for Xtool. I was able to add the device with no issue. However, the first burn I attempted had 5 layers. On the 2nd layer the head would just move all the way to the left and trigger the X sensor, but layer 1 worked just fine. I switched back to the GRBL compatible device selection and it cut fine.
Second issue is trying to cut an image file. I was burning a 12" slate and burned on heavy card stock to make sure the image would fit and find the center point. But when I actually tried it on the slate, it shifted left and in at least 3 other places it kept skewing the image and ruined the final product. I’ll include the 2 files I was using. I did upgrade to 1.7.1 but didn’t help. Probably will roll back to 1.6.8 if possible.
Do I need to do some kind of conversion of my files from the once created in compatibility mode vs native mode?
Xmas-Earrings.lbrn2 (426.6 KB)

The second file is 5MB because it has an image and it says it’s too big to upload. here

Hello Bob

Questions please

Select your Xtool native profile > Edit > Device settings
Take a screenshot

Select your GRBL native profile > Edit > Device settings

Also when using the Xtool Native profile - are you using Absolute Coordinates too?

1.7.1 Original D1 Pro setting

D1 Pro Native (new)

(It only allowed me to add 4 screen caps… so I left out the Gcode tab that was the same on both… M106 S0

Those initial offsets on the Xtool Profile seems a bit strange but would make sense on why you have the issues.

Did they happen when you imported the profile or after you changed to Xtool native?

It created those when I added it as native… I can export from the original and import into this native one, but seems odd it would create those randomly. I also noticed it has Relative Z moves only enabled… and there is no Z axis

Has nothing to do with your problems.

I’ll correct the offsets and retest. This is the image I tried on slate. One is the actual burn attempt on slate, the other is the test burn on card stock for size reference and placement. What’s weird, is both were done with the previous D1 Pro device selected, not the native one. Burned fine on paper, but went wacko on slate.
attempt on slate:

Test burn on cardstock:

(Not concerned with quality of this … just placement on paper to help align on the actual slate)

Sorry, didn’t answer your 2nd question. I always have it set for User Origin and manually set the start point.

Thanks Mikey… just noting the differences it set when I added it as native. Wasn’t sure why it would have added a Z-axis.

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I am assuming slate uses way more power? vs Paper?

I am now wondering if you have multiple issues. The Slate is something I seen before every time the power adapter starts drooping on voltage and the controller panics and trys to regulate power but cant.

By using less power (on paper) less amps drawn, the power adapter might work better.

Triple check you are using the GOOD power adapter for the laser please.

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Well, paper was set at 20% power. Slate was set to 50% with speed of 50mm/s. It’s the same PS that came with the laser new. This is a 10w D1 pro. For 3mm wood I generally do one pass at 4mm/s and 100% and it’s fine. So it’s using much less for slate.
Another odd thing, when I do the regular frame, it used to move around 70mm/s during the frame… now it seems to zoom at full speed for the square. Selecting the circular frame, it goes very slowly upper left to bottom right then makes a bump sound and then slams left and stutters and does not return to the same starting point. Again, this all began after upgrading to 1.7.1. I just trying loading back to 1.6.03 and the framing is still weird. Wonder if some parameters in the D1 Pro itself got changed?

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Xtool does not use standard Grbl so $RST=* to reset everything to defaults - I believe - does not work.
70mm/sec as frame is 4200mm/min, should be fine really

did you check your belts and likes for any hardware issues?

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So my move tab wasn’t enabled. I enabled it and it was set for 60,000 mm/m! I think the max for mine is 18000 mm/m even that caused a bit of issue… reduced it to 10000 and both framing tasks are working correctly.


Just an update. Changing the move speed corrected the framing issues I was seeing but not the distorted image. What’s interesting is that I can burn this image scaled to 2", 4" and 6". Once I get above that, it starts distorting like the picture shows. It’s like something causes it to lose where it is on the X axis.
I’ve checked tension and made sure there is no slipping.
I’ve done images like this before of this size and haven’t run into this issue till after the 1.7.x upgrade. Running from USB Mac Pro sitting right next to the unit. No screensaver so screen doesn’t sleep. I plan on trying the same image with the Xtool software for a test (I’ve used Lightburn since day 1 with it so I’ll have to learn it real quick). And if it works there, then something changed in this version.

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