When I turn on my Laser, sometimes Lightburn picks it up immediately, sometimes I just see the message “Waiting for connection” not sure whats causing it to sometimes work/sometimes not.
Try right clicking on the devices button in the laser tab. If that doesn’t work, use the drop down box. next to it and select the correct Com Port.
I too am having serious issues with connecting to the laser. I have tried all methods suggested by lightburn to no solution? windows 11 pc, constant battle to get it to say ready rather than disconnected all the time
Please start a new thread rather than jumping on to someone else’s. Doing that only muddies the responses, particularly in this situation where you have a different laser than the OP.
The main issue i’m facing is that it connects and is able to work, but in some cases It just shows “waiting for connection”
I’ve confirmed Com port, laser is on etc, but for some reason it doesn’t connect.
Maybe something is interfering with the laser?
Are you using a cable or wifi?
And right clicking the Devices button resets the connection. It doesn’t always work, but try it.
The biggest connection problem I’ve seen is the cheap USB cables that come supplied with the laser. This usually results in a no connection situation more often than an intermittent connection, although it can be intermittent. Try a quality USB cable with the ferrites on the ends.
no point in creating another post both myself and the author are having the same issue. I have also tried a new cable and problem still persists, right clicking on devices has never worked so really can’t see the point
But the advice for a rock solid connection to a Ruida controller is different than the advice for a GRBL controller. The OP and you are also working with different versions of Windows, which may or may not affect the troubleshooting steps. Just because you have the same symptoms doesn’t mean you have the same problem or solution.
This is what I mean by muddying up the thread. I don’t know if the OP has taken these steps, which very well may work for them. Someone browsing later may miss that you are not the OP and dismiss that step, thinking that it doesn’t work.