I am having issues with exporting files as DXF. I currently do the design in Lightburn and when I export as DXF to import into my cad cam program (not a laser) I have issues with the lines. The first picture is how it looks in lightburn, the second is what it looks like in turbocad to import to my cam software and it looks terrible.
I you can upload your LB and DXF files here I’ll take a look.
Do please.
DXFFinalforDad.dxf (165.0 KB)
this was the file I made in lightburn and saved as a SVG that worked. When I save it as a DXF … (DXFforDadFinal) i open it in turbocad and it has all the lines messed up
Are you able to upload your LB file as well?
EDIT: It looks like some of the polyline segments have been flipped (concave to convex and visa-versa).
I will save it as a LB file quick. I was only saving as vector or DXF one second
FinalforHelp558.lbrn2 (157.9 KB)
Which version of LB are you using? I’ve just tried exporting your file as DXF and opened it in DraftSight and it looks good, whereas your DXF imported has a lot of segments flipped.
LightBurn 1.3.01, built Tue 2022-12-13 @ 12:37
Group everything together before exporting work’s for me
Ok, I’m on the same version. Although I notice you’re on a Mac and I’m on Windows 10. Perhaps @LightBurn could take a look to see what’s going on.
Edit: I’ve attached the DXF I exported from LB.
dxf export.dxf (152.6 KB)
I think there is an issue with the Lightburn on mac for exporting. Because the file you sent I saved and emailed to my dad and he was able to open it with no problems on his computer.
Yes, that’s what it looks like. Hopefully the LB guys will take a look and manage to fix it.
Try this also it worked for me done
are you on mac? I tired to group it all together and it did not work. I used group, would there be a difference between grouping and welding the shapes together
No Windows laptop.I used group everything at once, there is would there be difference between grouping and welding the shapes together. that will not help your issue.
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