when I engrave an image with the method Jarvis or other dither (also with pass-through and Norton Tile method) I can’t control the speed and the power.
I change parameters in Cuts and level tab but has no effect. the speed is low and power high.
So I click on image and then change the scale power and it has effect! I can reduce the power.
But I don’t understand how I can modify the speed with this dithering methods.
What speed setting are you starting with, what controller is used in your laser, and what DPI setting are you using?
8-bit GRBL controllers have a very limited amount of processing power, and dithered or grayscale images use a lot of commands to produce shading. If you send more commands than the board is capable of processing, it will go as fast as it can, but won’t be able to keep up.
Typicaly 8-bit GRBL can handle about 250 commands per second. A 254 DPI image (0.1mm dots) running at 3000 mm/minute (50 mm/sec) will generate up to 500 commands per second, or roughly double what an 8-bit GRBL board can handle.
If you changed the speed to 1500 mm/min, or 6000 mm/min, neither change would produce any visible effect since the board is maxed out at about 1500 mm/min.
I try with 3000 mm/min and 250 dpi.
I don’t know if my laser is an 8 bit but I think that it is.
So how can I work to engrave an image?
Max 200dpi with Max speed 1500 mm/min and I can control the power?
Thanks you very much
What model of laser do you have? Your profile just says “GRBL laser”, which doesn’t tell me much.
If you do have an 8-bit controller, you’ll have to either reduce the DPI or the speed (or both), though even if you don’t, it should still work properly as long as your controller settings are correct.
Do you have “Laser Mode” enabled? Type $$ in the console, and look for $32=1. If it’s showing $32=0, you are not in laser mode which will also massively reduce the speed.
I add some information: my laser is a chinese cheap one, 20W diode.
I checked $32 and it was =0, now I change it to 1.
How can I check if I have an 8 bit controller?
Now I reduce DPI and speed and test it
Yes I think it is
I test one image engrave at 180 DPI, 1500 mm/min and laser enable code $32=1 and it works,good speed and correct power!
Thank you very much!
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