High All,
I tried a burn on a piece of canvas, 5 x 7, with jarvis dithering set at cut speed 700 inches and and a power setting of 88. I saw a video on utube that the guy sprayed his canvas with two coats of white, and let them dry, and then come back out an over of black on top of the white, then let it all dry. I tried to cut a photo and the enclosed pix showed what happened. The utube vid is Southern Smoke Engraving. From the pix, any help on this? Ortur laser master 2 and Lightburn version 0.9.19
Hi tim, check out this video. The process you described sounds very similar just on a different medium, something this guy does is use filters on the image that he engraves to get it laser ready.
Thanks Paul, I will check into this. I am new to all of this. I have the ortur laser master 2 20W, and I saw the youtube video making this. I will check into it more.