Jigsaw Generator

Hi. I’m hoping someone here can help me. I am looking for a jigsaw generator that will generate a pattern that uses the same 4 to 6 pieces overall regardless of the size and total number of pieces. I have found, and tried, a few programs online but they all generate random patterns. They are all excellent but not what I want.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Can you explain how you’re expecting this to work? How strict is the piece uniqueness factor?

Even a tiny puzzle would need to be at least 4 pieces total. So at least 4 corner pieces. So if simplified the pieces you could have all 4 pieces look the same so they interlock so you could make that 1 unique piece.

A slightly larger puzzle of 9 pieces at the simplest would require the same corner pieces as above, a common piece for the side pieces, and a final piece for the middle. 3 Total.

Going to a 16 piece puzzle would result in same corner pieces as above, same common side piece, a new side piece, the same middle piece as before, and a new middle piece. So you’re already at your budget.

I think you could potentially scale up the 16 piece scenario indefinitely.

Rough proof-of-concept design:

Is this really what you’re looking for? If so, you may need to hand design this as most generators are going to be designed to be able to accommodate a dynamic set of behaviors including variability whereas you have an incredibly narrow requirement.

Did you check this site:
Jigsaw puzzle (draradech.github.io)

If you set it to symmetrical size and decrease jitter to 0% you get an extremely simple design though not quite as restricted as your requirements.


Hi, Thanks for that. I am not a master at LB but I will try what you suggest.
Thanks again

Thanks. I want to make a jigsaw of 100 (approx) pieces. I am familiar with that generator and have used it many times in the past and as you said it doesn’t really work for what I want. I have seen puzzles that use common rows and columns but suspect they are custom made. Unfortunately I am not that familiar with LB to draw my own, This is more a long shot. So thanks for your help.

There used to be a guy online that had exactly what you needed, but the site stopped functioning. It was the only one I used, as it allowed wedding jigsaws to be put together easier. Luckily I saved a couple of the files, which can be resized. I don’t know if I can share files here, otherwise I’d upload one.

Is the site still up but just not working or the site no longer exists?

Thanks for that. I used ```berainlb's suggestion and played with the Edit Nodes function and was able to draw one vertical line and one horizontal line which I them duplicated across the puzzle. Time consuming but worked well in the end.
If you can post a file here I will be interested to look at it.
Thanks again

If you can make it as a LightBurn file, of course.

Jigsaw Guest Book 10X9 Modified.lbrn2 (803.3 KB)
This is the jigsaw I eventually came up with :grinning:

Nicely done!

Although I think I see more than 4-6 unique pieces in there. :laughing:

Also, not sure if it matters in this case or I should be commenting but isn’t the bride’s name typically listed first for things like this? Ignore if not relevant.

If you get free Inkscape, you can install an extension called: Inkscape_Jigsaw_Puzzle-master.
It makes puzzles to your settings and in 3 colors so it is ready to output in Lightburn easily. Or you can use the online generator mentioned above, then import it into Lightburn.

Don’t know if you saw but @fyshious had very specific requirements for the pieces that generators were not able to get him.

berainlb that depends if you ask the bride or the groom :joy:

Honestly I almost didn’t want to say anything since it’s so personal but thought I’d raise it in case it wasn’t intentional. Cheers.

No it wasn’t intentional. Just they way I did it but you do have a point. Thanks. I will change it.
Like the man said ‘Bride & Groom’