Jim Brennan 3018 pro connection issues

Lightburn fails to connect to 3018 pro machine. I have other software that connect ok. I rebooted twice and loaded Lightburn but still will not connect to the 3018 pro. help. I have had this problem in the past and for some unknown reason it fixed itself. HELP

Have you had a chance to review this?

Have you selected a COM port?

Hi I hate to be a bother to people I’m just asking one thing hope it’s possible can someone do a video on the settings for the Homing, the travel speed , reduced travel lines ,work space on and the origin where ther work start for the 3018 pro I’m all over the internet look found a lot but thy jus not working for me I really really need some help a video would help so many people this have the most problems here help me out I’m really stressing

We don’t have a video, but we do have a post - the one Rick linked above.

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