Job time quicker on one PC than another

Hi All, Hoping someone may have an answer/explanation.

I’m experiencing discrepancies in job timings between my home computer and my work computer. All layer settings are exactly the same. Work computer gives a time of 2hours 20 for the job, but when loading at home (more powerful computer) the job takes ages to estimate and then comes back with 4hours and 32 mins.

Does anyone know of anything obvious that might be causing this? I’ve double and triple checked layer settings and they’re exactly the same on both computers.

Many thanks in advance.

Probably you do not have the same machine profile on your computers. Make a bundle of your LightBurn settings on the computer connected to your laser and load them on your other computer.

You need to check the values set in the advanced tab of the device settings. Those should be taken from the controller / read from the firmware. These values are used to compute the estimated runtime.


:point_up:This, but also here are further instructions to make sure you’re using the same settings between computers as Bernd suggested:

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Thank you both for your help. I’ll sit down tonight and make sure everything matches :slight_smile:

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