Jog Control fo GRBL

Using Lightburn 1.1.04 on a Genmitsu 3018Prover with GRBL 1.1f when it jog to the Y+ and X+ it works fine. But when I try to use Y- and X- it will move in the Y+ and X+ respectively and not stop until I click the stop button. I can home the machine and it works fine, I can load designs and they will burn fine but I cannot jog the machine into the Y- or X- direction

We’ll need some more information.

I’d like to know what speed your completed projects engraved at and the Speed chosen in the Move window.

Framing and jogging defers to the speed in the Move window but your project will apply the speed from the Cuts / Layers window.

The completed projects are set to 2000mm/m in the move window its set to 300mm/m.

Please share a screen capture showing your work area, Laser window and Move window. If that all looks correct we’ll look at what is communicated in the console window when jog commands are issued.

I think I’ve found the issue but not sure how to properly fix. When I home my machine it goes to the bottom left which is what I expect it to do. I do have home switches for this. But my board reports this position as -499 on the Y and -299 on the X. If I try to move when these are the coordinates that my board is reporting I have the problem I’ve been having. But if I home then do a “G92 X0 Y0” on the console it resets my current position as 0 on the Y and 0 on the X everything works fine. The issue is I’m not sure how to set my controller to set home as 0,0 and not -299,-499.

If you issue these commands it should set your home position to 0,0.

G10 L2 P1 X-499 Y-499

These will persist a power cycle so don’t need to reenter at each start.

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