JOG with PC joystick

Look at where 1 and 3 are on your number pad - they’re in the corners, and so are 7 and 9, so they move diagonally. 2 and 8 move up and down, and 4 and 6 move left or right.

And a workspace offset will happen any time you zero the spindle to a workpiece in CNC software.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer!

Sorry, i meant physically up and down (Z+/Z-), not the Y direction.
I thought the numpad is mapped like the jog buttons, that’s why i thought 1 and 3 might move the head in the Z direction.

Also, why a workspace offset would affect JOG?

Jog sends the laser to exact locations (it reads the current position, adds some amount to the distance, makes sure it’s within the laser area, then sends the command). If the position value isn’t read properly, the destination won’t be correct.

I red up on the offsets and now it’s clear.
Any chance there is a key for moving the Z axis?

I don’t believe there is, no.

In CNC world Mach3 is using PgUp/PgDn for Z-axis moments.

Sorry, but how would that help me with LightBurn?
Also, the small program i wrote can assign any gamepad buttons to click on any program buttons, so i can make this work. If LightBurn had key assigned to Z+/- then i could send keystrokes instead of playing with the mouse.


It is a feature request, please in a future version, add gamepad/joystick JOG to LightBurn.
Then the window focus problem would be solved also, no matter where the focus is, the jog with gamepad would work.

Since there is no shortcut key to move head in Z direction, would it be possible to add USB gamepad JOG support? As a fellow programmer i can send you the information on reading the joystick both in Windows and Linux.

It would be possible to add gamepad support if it was treated as digital, and the laser being controlled supported continuous jogging.

The Z axis on most GRBL systems does not support continuous jogging, because it’s rarely homed and doesn’t have proper soft limits / travel lengths set.

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That would be great! I was thinking about digital, like a gamepad. And no need for continuous jog, simply mimicking the on-screen jog buttons would be great!
Since my stuff is home-built, i have a 4 directional and a two-directional digital stick (industrial), connected to a small board that converts it to USB joystick movements.

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