Jogging with Macbook arrow keys

Just got the iKier K1 PRO and I know I can jog with the keys ALT-CMD-[ etc. Is there a way to change this to my arrow keys?

I didn’t test it myself, but I’d check File->Edit Hotkeys :slight_smile:

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I don’t know, I’ve looked for 45 minutes and didn’t see that. Perhaps not my best day… :zipper_mouth_face: Thanks, it’s that simple…

EDIT: not done yet. I just want to use the arrow keys on my Macbook. When I select one of the arrows I get “uses an un-modified character key”. Does that mean I can’t use that key? So I guess I always have to use the arrow keys together with the CMD key. That works, unfortunately not just the arrow key…

I think I read about this in another thread. Not all keys can be used there. I think there’s no immediate solution here, except maybe add a configurable extra keypad to send the keystrokes you need…

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