Joining shapes together

Hi everyone
I am trying to make an LED light and i cant get the part I have drawn to attach to the red out line i have tried using node editor and auot join but nothing works.
Any help would be great.

Grab the whole shape of stitch - and ungroup the entire object.

Then select the red line. Press CTRL and select the outer line of stitch. Then select the join tool.


I’m reading what you want in a different way…

I’m assuming that the red outline is the cutout of the part…?

If you want to engrave the black layer and cut the red layer, don’t join them

Run the black layer first, then the red to cut it out…

Might want to make that outline a bit larger than the engraving…

I assume you want something like this… Mickey is on a different layer than the cutout layer…

Good luck


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Thanks for the info but I am concerned about the red at the bottom near his feet cutting out as well

Thanks i will try that when I get home and let you know

You need to remove the red line within the tab…


You don’t want that part cut out…

If you don’t mind posting the .lbrn2 file for us to look at, we might better help you with this issue.

You can just drag and drop it on the reply window.

Make sense?


Thanks Everyone for your help.
I worked it out.
I used node editing to break apart the part of the red line i didn’t want and then deleted it.

Thanks to everyone


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