Just upgraded my xtool 20 to 40 watt with extensions. I have a jumping or skipping that is throwing timing off

I have added a link to some videos and photos showing an issue im having when my project firat starts. It jumps, binds, or skips and throughs the timing off when it get down to the date about 6 inches down the board. Cant find any issues and it doeant do it while framing or under 300mm. Here is a link to google drive with all the photoa and videos. Xtool and lightburn have been no help so far. The laser is set to .o1 so it doesnt mess up the current project.

Any help or feedback wpuld be greatly appreciated as i had a full few days pf getting projects done and now i am afraid of trying other tasks.

I have verified belts are tensioned and no damages to the teeth.

Oh yeah one more issue! It now doesnt home correctly unless you press home 2 or even 3 times.

Have you gone into XCS to enable the extension as well as the 40W laser module? I suspect the acceleration values need to be adjusted due to the increased mass of the module. Enabling the extension should resolve the homing issue.

I only updated the settings in lightburn so i will have to check the settinga in xcs. Thanks. Ill update what i find out.