I used Lightburn for 30 days with no problems and ran a diode and CO2 laser with it flawlessly. I had Meerk40t/ruidacontrol running as a translator and was happy with Lightburn’s capabilities. At the end of my 30 days (today) I purchased a license and was asked to update. As soon as I did that the K40 device disappeared and when trying to recreate it the Ruida option no longer appears in the device wizard as an option to select. I need some help please!!! Looks like others have experienced similar issues after the 1.4.00 update
I’ve seen no reports similar to yours where Meerk40t was being used.
To confirm, did you buy the DSP license? You would have needed to in order to use Ruidacontrol on Meerk40t since that’s emulating a Ruida (DSP) controller.
If you did not, you can add DSP to your existing license:
LightBurn Software - Add DSP support to existing license
Alternatively, you could look at using GRBL emulation in Meerk40t which could work with the g-code license although I’ve not seen any recent positive confirmations of it working.
I bought the regular license (not DSP) because my test version was run through the wringer for 30 days using the Meerk40t ruidacontrol as the translator for Lightburn. Why would buying the license and updating change that?
Lightburn may need to make 2 different trial versions for the uninitiated. This feels like the rug just got pulled out from under me after I committed to the purchase. After rereading all the information I do see that RuidaControl is mentioned in the DSP information. I guess it would have been more clear if it hadn’t worked from the start. I may have to rethink this whole Lightburn thing. I run a K40 and a Diode laser. I was hoping to have one app to handle both.
There is only one trial license type. The trial license allows all controllers to be tested. When it comes to purchasing the available controllers are split with the g-code license being the base license with DSP and Galvo being additional capabilities.
DSP license includes g-code capability. Assuming the diode runs g-code it should work without fuss with either the base license or DSP license.
You may want to look at using Meerk40t with GRBL emulation.
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