K40 keeps being not detectable installing software didn’t help even as one piece showed up but said wasn’t supported need drivers If possibly.
Have you replaced the controller for the machine or otherwise purchase a K40 with a pre-upgraded controller? And if so, to what?
If you have not, then be aware that K40 lasers come with boards that are not compatible with LightBurn. They will not work out of the box.
(Doug LaRue)
March 17, 2022, 1:26pm
As PY stated the stock K40 comes with a M2Nano board which is not on the supported list for LIghtBurn. There are 3 free apps which do work with it:
# MeerK40t
MeerK40t (pronounced MeerKat) is a built-from-the-ground-up MIT licensed open-source laser cutting software. It's a replacement for LaserDrw, Corel Laser, and K40 Whisperer.
For the M2-Nano, Meerk40t supports two sets of drivers which come with the software supplied with the K40 and which are used by Whisperer and the default USB drivers,
and so MeerK40t can usually run alongside these other pieces of software but without requiring them as a pre-requisite.
MeerK40t is written in Python and precompiled versions are [available for download](https://github.com/meerk40t/meerk40t/releases) for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and Raspberry Pi.
Alternatively you can run MeerK40t directly from Python.
The primary source for help and documentation is the [MeerK40t Wiki - please click here](https://github.com/meerk40t/meerk40t/wiki).
Please help us make this a comprehensive source of information.
## GUI
The wxMeerK40t is the GUI and is written in wxPython.
## Features
* Built in Raster Preprocessing, RasterWizard.
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A controller upgrade can get you working with LIghtBurn.
So basically yes all the K40 not compatible stuff I knew already I purchased a mod build from EBay thinking since the K40 Upgrade controller board wasn’t in box it was already installed nope apparently seller shipped that separately.
1 Like
(Doug LaRue)
March 17, 2022, 7:38pm
Great. Let us know if you have any issues getting it going. And there is a maker forum specifically for this K40 stuff at http://forum.makerforums.info There is also a good HowTo/Intro section linked at the top of the K40 section.
April 16, 2022, 7:39pm
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