I made a little video for a good friend who has had trouble understanding what it takes to make intarsia work.
Strangely, I used too much power but in addition to the parts being more dirty it has no influence on the job itself.
The pictures show some applications for this fine lightburn feature.
A benchmark for instructional video!
I enjoyed the video, especially the judicious use of the ball peen hammer for fine adjustment.
…small tasks - small hammer,
…you should see me when I make big boxes
Nice little demo Bernd!
The creaking while fitting means a tight fit and the followup with the standard adjuster tool gets the job done
Thanks ,
0.075mm is just the upper edge of a press fit for MDF.(with my laser) If I use softer materials like baltic birch, it fits perfectly with “my” kerf.
0.05mm will still give a good fit for HDF/MDF.
The main purpose of this little demo is to show how easy it can be done in LightBurn. I have never understood the discussions about which side should have plus kerf and which side minus, or only assigning kerf to one side with offset…, it can be done, sure, but why make it more complicated than necessary?