berainlb, thank you.
First off, yes, your Point 1 is correct. Both computers show the same thing on their screens.
Point 2 though, is where we have a slight difference. Here on this Linux tower, using the ‘dummy laser’, the ‘job origin’ on the Bottom Right Corner of the design screen shows “Upper Right”. It also is not something I’m able to change, as it is in ‘grey’ and not black.
But I have the “Device Settings” set to “Upper Right” because of this, as well as both show “upper right” on the Windows tower as well. The main point being, they ALL show the same thing. Now you’re saying it should be “upper Left” (across the board?) If so, how do I change THIS computer I’m on, for it to show ‘upper left’? I can do the 3 other points/choices, just not this one.
From your teachings/directions before, I just made them ALL THE SAME and thought that was what was needed. So I understand then, that it ‘still matters’?
Take a closer look at the screenshot I attached earlier. I’m not referring to job origin which would be in the Laser window. It’s “Origin” in Device Settings. You get there either by Edit->Device Settings (may be different in Linux) or by pushing the wrench+screwdriver icon on the top toolbar.
Make upper-left for both systems.
Job origin is a discussion for another day/topic.
Please attach a screenshot of what you’re seeing if things aren’t apparent.
So it isn’t just a matter of “the SAME dot” needs to be selected, but more importantly the “CORRECT” dot needs to be selected.
Might be a suggestion for idiots like me, to change from the ‘4 dots’ to choose from, to something cryptographic such-as:
No Hope
There are differences in those 4 choices, as opposed to ‘dot’. I’m just saying. The key take-away that I got from your description from the get-go, was they had to be the same. So I did that. But the details go further. And I’ll add that I now know that “these dots” have nothing to do with “those dots” for the ‘job origin’.
Clear as mud?
I’m grateful for your help, HUGELY, as this is the first point now, we we can actually attempt to do something on purpose here on our end. I love that ability. I also knew that it would arrive eventually, I just had no idea when/where or how. But yes, success.
And I hope I gave you a concise ‘perspective’ from a layman who’s NOT a Laserologist, and is ‘in-training’.
Congratulations on getting to the point where you can experience the real frustration with burning. The tuning and experimenting.
Same dots for consistency in behavior between systems. Correct dots for behaving as you expect when communicating to the laser. Both if you want both.
You may have missed it earlier in the fire hose of information but I had asked you to verify that the laser was behaving correctly first with your Windows system setup. Having thought that had been already established I was focused more on making sure it was the same. Which is really the important thing from a design perspective and file portability perspective.
I tried to use precise language by saying “machine” origin rather than “job” origin and using screenshots to reduce ambiguity but I know that language precision is impossible to be perceived when the vocabulary hasn’t been established.