Laser Adapter blink/flashes

Hi, I am using 10w diode laser. Would appreciate it if anyone could answer my question. My laser turned off and won’t turn on again. When I try to power on, the adapter light blink and the laser machine still won’t turn on. Anyone have any ideas as to why?

I have also replaced the adaptor. Still blink/flashed

What adaptor are talking about, how it’s connected to the board and what board are you using.
These information should help on finding of the cause of your issue.

The laser is using Ac/dc adapter. Laser turned off during operation. It wasn’t engraving or anything, just turned on.

If I understood and assuming that works before it looks like the adaptor is overcharged.
Maybe a short circuit or faulty connection.
Can you try to turn on the adaptor without laser machine connected? Look if the light on the adaptor still blinking.

When I turned on the adapter without connecting to the laser, the light is on without blinking. It only blinks/flash when I connect it to laser and turn on the laser.

That’s looks like the adaptor is overcharged.
If possible check all your connections on the board are ok. In doubt take note of everything you can (you will need it later) disconnect all the connectors and leave only the adaptor plug connected to the board. Turn on the adaptor, turn on the board and check if the light in the adaptor blinks or stand steady.

I just tried disconnecting the laser to the board. When I disconnected the laser, I can turn on the board just fine. When it is connected to the laser, the adapter start blinking again and cannot the turn on the whole thing.

Assuming that works fine before, and assuming that the laser are correctly connected it looks to me that laser head is damaged.
Does that laser head have a fan?
Does the laser turn on, or the power source turns off immediately?

Normally I point to a undersized adaptor. Specs don’t always match up to the effective behaviour.

Hi dear, I’m experiencing the same problem now. Did you find the problem? Can you please help me?

It’s always nice to drop a note to the vendor, the probably know what it is. Best case they help you fix it, worst case you don’t hear from them. It’s a can’t loose situation.

From the symptoms of the adapter blinking when connected and doesn’t blink when disconnected. It’s likely the device (control board) is drawing too much current… You’ve also changed out the adapter, which points more towards the laser machine (controller).

Are you up to disassembling it? Are you handy with electronics?

This is a pretty old thread… did you know that? Usually best to start a new one, you can refernce this one in the new thread. They didn’t say how they fixed it.


Yes, i disabled the laser Diode. And the machine turns on without any issues. When connecting the laser, nothing. The power cable light blinks

What must I do to fix the overcharge prob?

Nothing is charging here.

If this means you unplugged the laser diode module, it sounds like the laser diode module failed.

All you can do is replace it. Most of these supply adapter power through the board to the laser module.

Do you have a voltmeter and know how to use it?
