I am hoping someone has some ideas for me to check because I am at a loss. I have a FS Pro Laser that I converted to a Ruida and Lightburn machine. I have an Omtech CW-5202 chiller.
I was using it this morning with no problems, but I had to run errands so I shut it down for about 2 hours and when I turned it on again, the alarm on the chiller won’t shut off. I checked the water level, water flow, water temp, all are working fine. I tried running a short job even thought the alarm was sounding, but the laser wouldn’t fire. It would run through the the motions, but not actually fire.
The CO2 machine has a specified spot for the chiller. It has been connected there for years. I doubt it is a wiring issue. The chiller board is certainly more likely. The chiller is about 2 ½ years old.