July 27, 2023, 3:53pm
Good evening
I would like to understand why every time I start the software Ver 14.0, my Laser (Atomstack P7 M30) connected via usb port, I find “cu.wlan-debug” in the connection drop-down menu and the laser does not work until I manually reset the right link “cu.usbserial-220”
Thank you
(John Johnson)
July 28, 2023, 2:39am
That would be really strange.
Most manufacturers use the CH340 driver and it will have wch in the port name.
Please install this driver from the Manufacturer of the communication chip set in your Atomstack P7.
Do you have any other serial devices attached to your Mac Mini?
Check out this post and consider adding this port to the exclusion list.
Hi Jeff,
You can force LightBurn to ignore ports by creating a PortExclude.txt file, which seems like it would help with your current problem.
Go to File >> Open Prefs Folder to open LightBurn’s prefs directory
Create a file called PortExclude.txt
In that file, list the ports you want to exclude, exactly as they show up in the port selection drop down in LightBurn. Each port should be on its own line
Save the file, and LightBurn will ignore the ports you’ve told it to filter out
Please let …
July 28, 2023, 9:23pm
Thank you
I solved with berainlb’s advice by creating the PortExclude.txt file
August 27, 2023, 9:25pm
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