Laser cut wood hinge used for shape, form, cones & strength

Using wood hinge to create form, decorative or adding rigidity, it is very useful.

Making cones with flexible hinge cuts. Tall cones & shallow.
Tall cones get really large in diameter, so I had to make it in 4 wedges to cut.
Shallow cones can be made in a diameter to fit your cutter bed size, if your bed is small make 2,3 or 4 wedges. Clamp .120 birch blank in cutter & cut, remove cut piece and bend to shape to achieve outer diameter desired, count number of sections to be removed, place back in cutter aligning first cut through in jig, draw second cut line were needed, turn off all other colors & cut second cut through. Fold and glue edges.


nice work, thanks for sharing :+1:

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Would love try the Lightburn file for this one too please, @overytom

I will put it up today

This was going to be a Dutch wind mill, never finned
wind mill a.lbrn (772.3 KB)