Laser Diconnect and Saving Blank Files

Hi, I have upgraded the LB to the newest update 1.2.01 and am having some issues. When I turn the laptop off at night or it goes into sleep mode for a long time (hours) when I restart LB it says there is no laser connected to LB. I reinstall the laser, update settings and the next day it does the same thing. Except last night after I saved my file I was working on when I reloaded the file it is blank. This is NOT the first time it has blanked out one of my files. It says the file has 229kb and was saved last night. Is there any way to recover it? Also how do I stop LB from disconnecting from the laser. I will try to upload a file. Thanks

LB file

Moving to this thread to respond. Did you have issues with a previous version of LightBurn? Did anything else change on your computer around the same time? For example, windows update or anti-virus software.

I’m not aware of any way to do this. And I’m guessing if you opened the file it would all be 0s.

I’m not really following this. It will always disconnect when machine is off or goes to sleep. If you mean why can you not reconnect it may be because the com port in Laser window is not getting selected when the machine wakes from sleep. Select the port or try right clicking on Devices button.

Does this only happen on the file being worked on or to other files that are saved but not open?

Does this only happen if the laptop goes to sleep with the file open?

No not any other issues prior to the last three days. So last night I let the laptop go into sleep instead of powering it down. That is when the file contents got deleted even though I have saved the file. It has done this not saving content once before on another version but do not remember what other circumstances were happening. This disconnecting from the laser is new. Usually, when I start LB the laser is still there even though the laptop has been powered down. The only thing new was to let it go to sleep, instead of powering down. No to any updates or anything in the last 3 days!

Not sure what this could be. You could attempt to downgrade but it’s almost certain that this is not directly a LightBurn issue, or at least not without combination with something else.

I am thinking it has something to do with “sleep” mode vs “Shut down” mode. I will experiment with it in the next several days. Thanks’

This was totally a WINDOWS sleep mode!! I turned off the sleep mode and now it is running fine. The automatic sleep function on the laptop messes with Lightburn in a BAD way.

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