Laser different engraving results in each corner

Hey guys, I have a problem since 2 days and I really need to get my Laser running again.

I have an OMTech 100W blue version.

When the laser beam hits mirror 3 a little bit too low could that be the reason why I get such bad engraving on the rear left side?

What I don’t understand is why I get good results in the front ride side of the bed.

Please can anyone help me with that. :pray:
Should I raise the tube a little bit more? I already raised it but only 0.6mm I guess that was not enough and should I put something underneath on both mounts of the tube or just on the front part. I guess for a good parallel beam I would have to put something under both mounts right?

Why don’t you bring your laser beam exactly in the center?, you have even explained yourself what the problem is.
The risk of you hitting the inside of your nozzle is fairly high right now. Get it calibrated and you’re back in business.

PS. you have the question in two different posts, it is not intentional and should be avoided

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The laser beam is now exactly in the center, hitting mirror 3 also in the same spot in every corner. I really thought that it is gonna work now, also leveled the head again so everything is aligned but I still get the same results like before.

I try to get it fixed since 2 days now, spend soo many hours for literally nothing. I hope someone can explain me why I get different results in each corner when I hit mirror 3 at the exact same spot everywhere.

It’s the same question that you already posted… Please don’t duplicate post as it add confusion and takes extra time from everybody trying to assist you.

If I’m mistaken, please let me know.


I don’t think everything is 100% correctly adjusted, otherwise there won’t be that much difference in your focus. Are you absolutely sure that your machine bed is the same height in all 4 corners?
On the top left of your picture, is it made furthest from the tube?

I set the focus for every one so that it is exactly the same distance. So the result should be the same when I hit mirror 3 everywhere on the same center spot right? But it isn’t.

Another question that I have, does the laser beam have to hit mirror 2 at the center? Because that’s not the case right now with my mirror 2.

I hit it in the exact same spot in front and back position but not in the center. Some. Videos say it has to be in the center. Some say it just has to hit the same spot so that the beam travels parallel to the Y axis.

What do you think about that? In my opinion it should be fine how it is but I will try to get it to center tomorrow if some of you guys think that it has to be in the center.

I believe that mirror 1 is just as important as the second and the third and it also applies to a large extent that the nozzle is perpendicular. The margin of our mirror systems is so small and does not allow much of a deviation before it goes wrong. A deviation of half a degree with a 600X400mm standard Chinese machine gives approx. 9.5mm measurement deviation at the farthest point in the machine (seen from the laser tube exit). Although that deviation is somewhat theoretical and dependent on three additional deflection possibilities, it is clearly very important to align the laser as accurately as possible, right from the start.
I would suggest fixing your focus on mirror 2 and checking the perpendicularity of the nozzle one more time.

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The tube where the lens is inside is only fix in the head when I move it all the way in. When I get it outside a little bit I can move it with some pressure a few mm, so maybe that’s the problem?

If that part is damaged somehow to i need a whole new head? Because it’s really loose and maybe thats the problem

can you make a picture?