For a while now we have had a problem with laser cutting our model bridge parts, where at various locations on the wood, the laser would not cut all the way through, while at other points it would. The lines that the laser does not cut through are of the exact speed and strength as the others. They are the exact same drawn lines actually.
What I just noticed in the picture is that the area on the back of the piece, where the laser does not cut through, almost seems like a line from top to bottom. There are no physical obstructions that should cause this. Could this be related to Lightburn itself?
This is a materials issue rather than a Lightburn problem, you most likely have a glue pocket or something else in the plywood stopping the laser getting through. If you cut the ply open at the point it isn’t cutting, you should be able to see what the issue is.
Set the laser to do more than one pass. Set the wood on a spacer so that there is room for smoke and debris to escape from under the cut. Have good cross ventilation to draw smoke and debris away from the laser spot.