Laser does not light up when the fire button is pressed

laser does not light up when fire button pressed

new 7w pro

i was using the fire button just fine until i put on the new 7w pro

Is it only the fire button not working, or is it not firing at all? (if you run a cut or engrave, is that working?)

Are you sure it’s connected properly?

Yes it could not connected. I put the older laser back on and fire button still did not work

sure that the machine is connected to LB? can you post a SS of your console?

I can still engrave. Just no fire button. I checked all connections and all seemed tight and okay

Yes. I can still engrave

maybe the power of the fire button is too low? have you tried to up it a little bit? 2.5% or 5%?

No. But a good idea. I will try

dont really understand but changed $32 - 1000 fire button works

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