Laser does not Pause for 10 seconds after engaging

I have a Longer B1 40W. Regardless of the job, when I press pause it takes almost 12 seconds to pause. If I press stop there is no problem. Any suggestions? I tried reading from the controller, but to no avail.

Thanks for any input :slight_smile:

A Pause allows the controller to drain all of the pending G-Code instructions in its buffer and bring the laser head to a controlled stop. You can then “un-pause” and resume the job from wherever it stopped.

A Stop discards the pending instructions and instantly stops moving the laser head, without worrying about maintaining positioning. You cannot resume the job, because all those pending instructions are gone, and you must re-home the machine because the controller no longer knows exactly where the laser head is.

So now we know your controller has about 12 seconds of instructions in its internal buffer … :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Thank you. Curious if this happens on lots of lasers. The 10 and 20watt lasers I had before didn’t have this issue.

Low-end lasers tend to have microcontrollers with smaller internal buffers that hold fewer G-Code instructions:

Smaller buffer = drains faster = stops sooner!


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