Laser dont have power

i have zbaitu ff-80 laser (double beam 10W)
i set in my grbl 1.1f
$30 to 1000
$31 to 0
$32 to 1
and in lightburn S parameter to 1000
But when i try to cut 3mm playwood with setting F500 and power on 80% laser barely shines.
But when i type in console M3 S800 i instant get hole through.

What to change to get it right.

Can you save the gcode with a .txt extension for the 80% project you tried to burn and then upload here?

test.txt (266 Bytes)

Are you saying you get instant hole through with the laser head not moving or while in motion?

Based on the gcode attached you should be getting the same power as you requested manually. I can only guess tha tthe speed is too fast. 500 mm/min is going to get you a very different result than a standing cut-through.

Also, are you using Constant Power Mode for the cut setting? That’s what it looks like from the gcode. If so, any reason for doing so?

when i type M3S800 the laser is not moving and get instant hole.
When i use lightburn to cut little square like 10mmx10mm with F10 and 80% power with M4 so no Constant Power i dont get power just blink like fire to set focus on 1% of power.
I make a move and post to youtube and past a link how its look like.

p.s. when i type M3S800 you can hear that laser i eating power because wentylator is slowing down.
Dont get that when i cut square

Seems to me you may have a firmware issue, a wiring issue or a hardware issue in this case.

M4 should work the same way as M3 except for during acceleration/deceleration and at extreme ends of speed.

Where did you get the firmware for the controller?

Do you have a meter? Can you test the PWM voltage coming out of the controller?

What happens if you manually run a cutting operation?

G1 X30 S800 F500


G1 X30 S800 F500

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