Laser Dot in LightBurn Turning Into a Thick Line – Need Help!

Hey there, I’m having an issue with my laser machine while using LightBurn. The blue dot that normally appears has turned into a thick line instead. Any idea what might be causing this and how I can fix it? Appreciate any help! I’m just starting out on laser engraving.

I’m using a Mr Carve M3 10w diode laser.

Hello Sunny

Unplug the laser module, and power off the laser.

Make sure your Glass/Lens is clean. Also make sure there are no permanent marks on the lens.

If there are, you might need to contact the manufacturer.

Hello gilaraujo,

Tried unplugging as you’ve suggested but it didn’t work. Lens is clean. I’m going to contact manufacturer on how to solve this. I didn’t have this issue before. Sigh.

If the lens can be removed from the bottom, carefully unscrew it and remove the lens being sure to note the orientation of the lens and check to see if there is a hairline crack in the lens. Be sure to clean lens before reinstalling if there is no crack and only touch the outer rim of the lens to prevent fingerprints from causing you more issues.

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Checked it, everything seems fine. No cracks whatsoever. I just contacted the manufacturer, told me to stick to the thick blue line as it does not affect the performance. Apparently it seems that they don’t have a solution to revert it back to the original blue dot. Support is terrible by mr carve/daja.

If the module is unable to focus the dot into a small point the optical power will be dispersed, hence it won’t work correctly

Have you tried to engrave an old project to do a before/after performance check?
Run this 10W diode power tester on a bit of wood (light wood)
Post results please
Power Test 10W.lbrn (145.8 KB)

Sounds like the MFR needs to be awarded the worst response to a question for the year. If the blue line is the actual beam then the laser isn’t working correctly, and chance you can track down someone else using that same model to compare? I wonder if maybe there is some debris inside the tube that worked loose from machining? Any chance you can remove the lens and peer inside the unit? Something definitely isn’t correct and it appears you aren’t going to get any help from the MFR.

Haha! I agree. I’ve checked the lens everything seems to be okay. No debris on hairline crack or anything like that. I did ask Mr carve facebook group and they told me the same thing to check the lens etc. Applying for a refund now.

Hey everyone, thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, I’m now in the middle of fighting for a refund. My local eCommerce platform is investigating the issue since the manufacturer has an official store there. I wasn’t happy with how they downplayed the problem, saying it doesn’t affect performance and basically told me to just make do with it.


Good luck, here’s hoping you get a speedy refund so you can get another system.

Thank you! :saluting_face: