Laser engraved 3D Illusion

VINTAGE CHRISTMAS TRAIN Laser Emgraved 08:26:24

Found Image in my collection: Background of this image is quite cluttered and of course the laser “picked up” all the clutter.

FERGY ON COUCH 08:26:24 copy

One of our best friends, FERGY.

I engraved train image with my OmTech 60W/50W laser.
Speed. 250mm/sec, Power 35% 2 passes. Darkest impressions are 1mm + deep.
Material: Birch 3.6mm in thickness, MDF core.
I did not lower head on second pass and left all settings the same.
Second pass made the train image standout. I could get similar results if slowing speed and increase power, that doesn’t always work as well as two passes.

FERGY’s image was same settings except it was only one pass.
I took the original photo of FERGY with my iPhone.


Cool! It seems here “depth” was managed by depth of field focus in the image. Background stuff is out of focus.

I some times “push” the background. It works well when you have a lot of trees in bloom or in leaf in background.

However, that isn’t how I achieved most of the 3D effect.

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Fergy looks better with each new attempt.
The train is cool…what does it mean to “push the background”. I think I see what you did but not sure how to term it.
Anyway, it works & the only clutter I perceived is at around 11 o’clock on the boiler face.

I am still trying to comprehend how you did it with the AI stuff you mentioned in another posting. :joy:

Pete, I isolate whatever I wish to fade. I can adjust the amount of fade in PhotoShop. That makes the portion of photo you want to embellish stand out. Takes some “Fiddling”. (Midwestern Ohio nomenclature isn’t always understandable." lol

Did that help?

Simplest explanation:
I take original image and change it to Digital Painting, one of a number, adjust the lighting etc.
Change image to Black & White and adjust Shadows and Highlights to my satisfaction in PhotoShop.
After as long as I have been experimenting with this I have a pretty good idea what I need to adjust in LightBurn to get the “Burn” if you will, that I wish to accomplish.

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Hi Ferg
I’m hoping to become real familiar with photoshop asap…I think its most important. Yeah…pushback, I get it…can you use layers for that or would you do all work in photoshop and send to LB.

I’m trying to combine a good frame and mechanics with a 20w for broad strokes and a 5w or ir1064 for detail and combine the two in work size 400x400mm +/- & smaller…I can do detail fiddly stuff all day long…its my Ace in the hand.
Nomenclature is somewhat specialised here in SW Ireland too! LoL.

That helped alot…Thank’s

I have a Love Hate relationship with PhotoShop. It has become so bloated and full of things I don’t really care about but some things it does best.
Changing an image to Black&White is one thing it does best for me as well as shadows and highlights.
BeFunky is a web based tool but it is fairly fast depending on your connection. of course. Much of it is based on AI and that helps a lot. I can do manipulation of images with it in a tenth of the time it takes in Photo
shop for me anyway.
Begin with PhotoShop then BeFunky and LightBurn. I do little to no image manipulation with LB. although it does things easily that no other program I have tried can do.
BTW: My dad was Scottish and mom was German descent.

Hi Ferg
I bookmarked BF for future reference last time you mentioned it. I thnk I figured something out by looking at your last few pieces…They work well because the subject matter the tones, the materials, and the tools used are congruent.
So the BF/Photoshop is where the magic happens, LB is for tuning the best outcome…considering the tools avaliable.
I tried to imagine repeating the same effects as N Norton but at a more distant perspective…given the budget.

Thanks Ferg
ps good blend of dna, I lived in Scotland twice and loved it…and the German’s are pretty cool as well…I wish they made lasers!

Love the 3D effect… 22years, Navy Submarines here… thanks for your service, bro !!!