Laser Engraving Double Lines at high speed

I set up and aligned my machine and everything works fine when my cut speed is 100mm/s however when I try to up this to 300 mm/s I get double lines on the text, see image. I have attached my file, this appears to be only a problem in the X direction. Any help is appreciated.

2847-type1_1235.lbrn2 (536.0 KB)

Setting a Scanning Offset Adjustment should correct this:

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That is a lot of ‘offset’ for such a slow speed…

On my OMTech, same as yours, the numbers at 300mm/s are 0.02mm, 500mm/s it’s only 0.05mm.

I’d point the finger at X belt being lose… grub screw something else related to the X axes.

Might try it with bidirectional enabled… This should show a different pattern.

@V0rticity let us know … :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I did the scanning offset and it solved the issue, thanks

My offsets were as follows:

Thanks for advising of the ‘fix’…

I fiddle with mine a lot and I’ve see that a bunch of times on my machine…

Take care…


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