Laser exposure timeout error?

Hey guys, i have a problem, since today when i lunch my ortur olm3 10w, i have no puissance, the laser turns on, then the power drops, it stops completely then it turns back on slowly, and I have this message appearing in my console?

[MSG:61:Error: Laser exposure timeout! Check TroubleShooting Section in User Manual.]

Ortur Laser Master 3 Ready!




GrblHAL 1.1f [‘$’ or ‘$HELP’ for help]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:3:Warning: Caution: Unlocked]

As answered on Facebook, this is a very specific error caused by the laser being still at power > 20%

Try a different project, do you get the same error?

oups sorry, yes i have only the same error on all project, power on and drop, etc…

Try this

In console, type $RST=*
Press enter

Make sure rotary mode is NOT enabled
Then unplug the laser head cable and run project
same error?