"laser files bundle"

Is there any good “laser files bundle” to purchase on the internet?

A few days ago i bought one for 45€ and it was completely a scam. There was nothing but empty folders and some trash dxf files what doesn’t work. I need home decoration, lamps, ornamemts, and others files. It would help me a lot if there is any “laser files budle” that is not scam.


You can get a lot here:
Just need to create an account to access the “members only” section.


I purchased a subscription to creative fabrica, I believe it’s $47 yr. I find it’s worth the price. The vast majority of files include commercial license and they have a huge library of files. They are not exclusively for laser, but you pick and choose what you want.


1700 free dxf (without sign up) Free DXF Files Downloads for CNC Machine
hundreds of free files (without sign up) https://vecty.co/
320 free files (without sign up) laser cutting design steel for cnc cutting machine, Free dxf files
and I like this website for parametric boxes of all forms in paper
(without sign up) Laser Cut Files, Download Templates, Designs & Patterns For Free https://www.templatemaker.nl/

sign up required Laser Cut Files, Download Templates, Designs & Patterns For Free


Here are some free files - Free Laser Files — Layered Paper Art - Laser Cut


I collected all the sites I came across yet here:


impressive work! congrats!! :orange_heart:

About the files websites, it’s nice to know if it’s free,if it requires to sign up or if it’s a paid service though.


So, basically I have to subscribe to this website and than I will be able to download any material from it?

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Yes, or they also allow you to purchase files individually, but if you buy more than a few files, the subscription is worth to cost. They also offer 10 free downloads to test as well as a “freebies” Category.

I have an affiliate link for them that will earn me a small commission if you subscribe. I will happily send it via PM if you’re interested. I don’t know if posting affiliate links is allowed publicly.

The subscription can be nice, but the one gotcha to be aware of is that the license for fonts is only valid while your subscription is active. As I understand it, other things you grab with a Creative Fabrica subscription you can apparently continue to use if you stop subscribing, but not fonts.

I’ve used some fonts from Creative Fabrica, but I deliberately licensed them individually so I can keep my paid up license.

The way I interpret the license is you can continue to make physical items that you designed with a valid subscription, but not create any new items. That would include fonts too, I assume.

See the other replies, but the interesting thing is I just watched a Youtube video that came out yesterday. It was talking about 2 Etsy sellers who got sued for copyright infringement using files from Creative Fabrica. Apparently the files were uploaded to CF by a designer who didn’t own the files. The end user had no knowledge of this and assumed that because they were on CF, they had rights to use the files. Long story short, CF’s TOS more or less say, it’s not our problem if you get sued. Too bad, so sad.

Therefore I will no longer be recommending Creative Fabrica as a resource.


I use design bundles.net. They have loads of free stuff and also lots of paid for stuff. You buy items individually. They also have a 1$ sale each month and theres always something to buy, from fonts to laser cut items. You have commercial licences with them. Worth a look.

I think you intended the URL to be:


I use festi.info (boxes.py) and 3axis.co

Go to Thingiverse.com and in the search bar type “Laser”. There are a bunch of free laser cut files you can download. I downloaded a very cool Enterprise 1701D and cut/assembled it. It is awesome!

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The main ways I get dxf files is designing my own, QCad, Hullform and BoardCad, for general, boats and surfboards. Also various boxes generated by boxes.
Qcad is open source, maintained, Hullform is abandonware, Boardcad is unmaintained. Just about to cut out an outrigger designed with Hullform and Qcad to make my Canadian canoe into a Proa.

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I paid around $20 (not more) for a bundle called “Designs for CNC” It supposedly has 300,000 designs.

I have used some of them and have looked at a lot more. They all worked for me but the one issue I have is that nothing is really cataloged. They are grouped in folders called “PACK 1,” PACK 2," up to PACK 14. I have LIGHT FILES 1 through 6. I have a KITCHEN Folder and a few more. All have sub folders and sometimes the subfolders have subfolders.

Finding anything specific is a long time experience. But when browsing you can find a lot of stuff.

I use Design bundles as well, but believe it is a USA site. Being from the UK I find some files are in inches with a metric equivalent, ie 1/8th = 3mm (for material thickness). generally use 3mm Basswood but using files originating in USA 1/8th is not the same as 3mm, consequently tabs and slots tend not to fit!


This guy uses a scroll saw. Lots of PDF plans to download and import.