Been having problems my controller board and I have taken off the P-DA-01 off and just gone straight from the controller board 2 my Laser LT40-AA it follows commands but does not Burn I have reset the Lightburn to original my Conbtroller board is a JADAZI GRBL CNC Controller Control Board 3 Axis Stepper Motor…
Here are some solutions you can try if your diode isn’t marking your material:
Is the module emitting light or not? Why did you remove the interface adaptor board?
We tried everything with the Interface Adapter it wouldn’t come on so i am getting a new Controller board i will have it next week , but i want to get this running for now has i have a few things to do …
Ah, so you’ve tried the troubleshooting tips provided by your laser manufacturer?
The lad who was helping on it went through everything for two days i dont how he put with me had keep doing other things, I have a feeling its the Board wont get my other till probably monday…
The x and y max rate wasn’t the same as what you put i have changed it and checked but it hasn’t done anything…
I think you should reach out to lasertree for their input here. They are the ones most familiar with your hardware and can offer solutions or a new board. The product description for the board says to consult the manual or reach out to them if you can’t get it to connect.
The first solution regarding x and y max rate wasn’t to change your machine settings, only to check them and make sure the units in the program match the units in your firmware:
" Go to Machine Settings or enter $
in the Console window to see the $110/$111 , X/Y Max rates set in your machine’s firmware. The X and Y Maximum rates are the fastest you can command your machine to travel, in mm/minute ."
Thanks Jess going to wait for my new controller board arrive before I try anything else I just have a feeling its the board