My brand new Omtech Polar is hitting the front wall when framing. It also kind of skips sometimes when homing after a frame. The skipping on home issue seems to only affect the X axes.
This all seemed to start after I used the rotary. I made sure I clicked the rotary toggle back to normal use and disabled it in lightburn.
The bed size is set correctly. This is driving me nuts. I get all framed and then it skips on homing causing everything to go out of whack.
On the return home after framing it sometimes skips and stops well short of ho\me. The only way to get back home after this happens is to re start the machine. It finds home immediately upon start up. It also finds home when clicking the home button in lightburn, but not after the skip.
Keep in mind this started after using the rotary. I am sure I flipped the toggle inside the machine back to normal use and disabled rotary in Lightburn. But I did have to change the steps per rotation which may have affected the Y axis??? I don’t know if there is a default nimber that needs to be put back in there.
I have no idea why it skips. I don’t see any debris interfering with the movement and it doesn’t skip every time.
We need more help here @JohnJohn . After framing, my machine stops on the Frame starting position, which is what I prefer. I am not aware you can make go anyplace else after framing completes.
Did you by any chance save your settings before you change them. I think we are now in the area of your real problem. Was the parameter you changed $101? Does it match the $100 parameter?
I don’t know how much more I can help. My diode stays at the starting position after framing, but this Omtech just goes home automatically after framing. I didn’t tell it to do that and I would rather it didn’t. Maybe it’s something in the Ruida?
What does this mean? Where do I find these parameters? I changed a few things to use the rotary, but the one that I think affects the Y axis is the steps per rotation in the rotary setup of Lightburn. I did not save any settings before doing this.
Ruida is a story of its own from what I read. I have the RA2 rotary for my S30 Pro, but have not hooked it up yet. So I am not familiar with the actual procedure yet. Reading about does not compare to doing.
JohnJohn is a tech specialist at at Lightburn. Maybe he can shed more light on the Home thing.
You might add this to your profile. I was thinking Atomstack…
I haven’t looked at an OMTech Polar. So I’ll need to rely on some information gathering here to see what’s going on.
The First thing I’d like to know about the OMTech Polar is the work area and acceleration parameters. If these values were optimistic they may be responsible for the skipping behavior that you’re seeing.
When you’re connected to the OMTech and running LightBurn,
Click Edit, then Machine Settings, then click the Read button toward the bottom of the Machine settings window.
Please take a screenshot to share the X-Axis and Y-Axis length settings and the acceleration settings that are read from the controller.
When considering optimism, some folks will set a project to engrave quickly, to the edge of the work area. Please screenshot the project and complete LightBurn work area. this will allow us to check the position / speed / acceleration settings for anything of interest or concern.
I’m hoping this isn’t a mechanical problem so it can be handled in software.