Okay, I’m at the end of my wits – and I’m sure I’m just missing something small and stupid.
I have an Xtool D1 Pro, running Lightburn (all updates current to date on both D1 Pro hardware and XCS software for what it’s worth - I’m not using it) on a Lenovo Thnk Station. The Xtool is USB attached, on a flat table next to me, so no WiFi issues/BS. Checked cords, power cords, all fine. The laser is mounted on a backer board made of plywood (birch ply, so I can re-burn a new grid onto it once I have it re-configured again).
The Xtool originally worked fine, burning leather patches for about a week, so I know that it does work - or did, for 7 days (under lightburn activated - I didn’t bother with the trial version).
Then this weekend it started “framing” an inch or two off, constantly. So I searched forums, found a fix and deleted the .ini files and re-installed the XTool .ini and re-calibrated the camera (P600, after market). I’m trying to re-align the camera when — the laser won’t obey commands to burn in place. It will frame, it will home, it will travel to coordinates, it will travel BACK to home – but if I give an order to begin burning the camera alignment (or any other alignment burn) – it returns home and tries to start burning there.
Without moving. So it’s just one big dark mark. Not pretty.
So I tried deactivating the camera and having a burn done by absolute coordinates, move the camera by jogging and placement. Nope! Returns to home and starts the burn without moving. Tried a burn by absolute coordinates, moving it by hand. NOPE! Returns home, and starts burning.
At least it’s turning on the air first…
What screen caps do you need/settings, etc? What did I screw up when I was re-installing the .ini file? I literally changed NOTHING else, just reinstalled the XTool INI pack, re-calibrated the P600 fisheye camera (went exactly the same as the first time) – and now this.
Oh might guru’s of the laser grid… help?