Laser inadvertently stops firing

Hello all!! I’m having an issue with my D1 pro 20 watt. I’ve had it for 6 months and has been working fine until recently. I’m having an issue with my laser inadvertently stopping firing but the head continues moving as it should. I’ve reached out to XTool support and tried a few things they suggested. Launching XCS and updating firmware and software. The odd thing about the condition is that it only happens in the top 4” (approx”) of my frame. Sliding the rail down 4-6” eliminates the condition. I have all my cables secured in a drag chain and my machine is set up so the rail never goes all the way to the top so as to bind the cables. My initial thought was a cable issue. The condition shows up randomly but whenever it does, the piece I’m running is ruined. Anybody else have this happen and what was the remedy?

It sounds like a cable issue. Either a partial break in the cable or possibly one of the terminal ends getting loose as you travel toward the top of the machine.

Run a job in XCS. Does the same issue occur?

Thanks for the reply. I did in fact close LightBurn, open and update software and firmware in XCS and it worked seemingly flawless in XCS. I ran 3 different smaller burns all the way to the top of the frame and all went uninterrupted. I switched back to LightBurn and did the same and they all went uninterrupted as well. A day later the condition has presented itself again.

Do you get anything in Console when this occurs?

After this occurs, what condition does that leave the laser? Does the job continue until complete, just without the laser firing? Does the laser ever come back on?

Are you experiencing any other issues that might be related to this?

How repeatable is this? Do you have a job that always will make it fail?

This is likely going to be a hardware issue. It could still be cable related. Or possibly a failure in the laser module.

If you have a job that will always make this fail then try running the same job in XCS.

I have it narrowed down to a cable issue. I get no errors of any kind. The laser intermittently just stops firing but the head continues to move. It will finish the job even though the laser isn’t firing. I have cut loose the cables and by wiggling and pinching the cables I can cause it to fail or fire as I’m doing this. The condition is the same in Lightburn and XCS. I have new cables on order.

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