Laser is burning backwards

Everything I burn come out backwards like a mirror.

This is most likely due to an incorrect origin setting in Device Settings. I’m not familiar with the laser that you have but if the image is both upside down and flipped then move to other corner. If it’s mirrored on the Y axis then just put from front to back.

Thanks for the help I can’t find the Y axis.
The text is correct in Lightburn its just backwards when you burn it.

I got it, don’t ask me why in machine settings Y direction pin vert was (False)
Once again thanks for for helping.

Actually, you may not have had to change machine settings.

It’s the Origin setting in Device Settings that I was suggesting to look at.

With your new configuration do move buttons work in correct direction? If not, then you likely still have a problem. I would suggest reverting the setting and making the change to origin in Device Settings.

If the move buttons work correctly then you may be fine.

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