Laser isn't firing -

Hello, Please help… after cleaning the lens and mirror my laser will pulse and alignment is great. However when I send the file “A file I previously sent” it not firing.

You have to supply us with a bit more information…

The fact that you can fire it from the console would indicate it’s probably not a controller/hardware issue. I’ve never seen this, as it turns out to be some kind of configuration issue somewhere.

I have to ask what you changed…

How do you know when it actually fires… sounds dumb, but do you have a mA meter or can you see the tube…?

Are you running the file using send or start?

If you send it to the Ruida, then you can select it from the Ruida memory and run it from the console…

Good luck


Thanks Jack,
I have a Co2 100 watt tube laser, it was running fine until I cleaned the lens.
The pulse is firing, and the frame of the file is correct, I hit start it’s acting like its cutting the fill but nothing.
I did as you indicated, started from console, it was running but not burning / cutting
Should I purchase another lens

Absolutely not…

You can’t get a good alignment without the lens working… so if you have it aligned, then you should have a spot on your table/material that it burnt from the laser…

Do you have a mA meter in circuit to measure the current that it’s drawing?

Does the tube glow when it’s supposed to be lasing?

Something isn’t clear… if you have the ability to fire the laser for alignment, I would conclude that the lasers controller/hardware/wiring is ok. This leaves the software and it’s been pretty much beat up from usage and I think this would have surfaced before now…

The software sounds like it’s working correctly as the job is getting to the laser… to have this fail leaves me kind of lost…

Do you have and can you drive a voltmeter?

I still think you have something turned off or a loose wire or something else…


Did you insert the lens with the curved side upward? If not, then it won’t focus properly and the beam may be diffused enough to not burn the material.

In addition, as a quick check for beam alignment, stick a piece of masking tape over the entrance to the third mirror and manually fire a single pulse (set this up on the console: 50% and 30 ms). You should see a scorch in (about) the middle of the entrance.

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